This Quote has expired.


Quote Number QUO-0001
Quote Date March 20, 2023
Valid Until March 31, 2023
Total $1,532.82
Amy Lewis DDS, MPH

425 Middle Grove Ln
Wilmington, North Carolina 28411


Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Wordpress Website

- Includes single URL (that's available)
- Up to 10 pages
- Includes submission and contact forms
- Provide SSL Cert

12 Hosting Package

Single Website
Free Migration
Daily Backups
Plugin Updates
Security Updates
Daily Malware Scans
Spam Prevention
Database Optimization
Uptime Monitoring
Analytics Reporting
10GB Hosting Package
Up to 10k Monthly Visitors

Sub Total $1,588.00
Tax $115.13
Discount -$170.31
Total $1,532.82